This contract describes the general terms and conditions applicable to the use of the Winerim application offered by Winerim LLC.



The use of our digital platform will imply that you have read and accepted the Terms and Conditions of Use in this document.

To acquire Winerim, registration with entry of personal or company data in Stripe will be necessary.



Winerim is a digital platform for the management of the winery and its respective sale in the service.


Registration and subsequent payment includes:

– The application on the front part in two formats: downloadable application (available in Apple Store and Google Play) and web application.

– The initial loading of the wine list provided.

– Access to the wine list editor to modify it in real time, through the database, or by requesting a new reference.

– Technical support from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.



– All transactions carried out are subject to compliance with the conditions required by the payment method.

– Payments will be made automatically every 6 months using the payment method provided.

– In case of non-payment, the application will be paralized.

– You can cancel the application at any time, without any additional cost, in your Stripe customer portal.

– The invoices generated can be downloaded from your client portal in Stripe.



– For the purposes of any notification, the email provided in the registration will be taken as a contact reference.

– You will be able to modify the client data in your portal in Stripe. The modifications will be taken into account upon notification thereof.



– The digital platform and its contents are the property of Winerim LLC or third parties, and the User does not acquire any rights over them by the only use of the application in the terms of the service.

– You must refrain from:

Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available to third parties, transform or modify the digital platform or its contents.

Extract or reuse all or a substantial part of the contents that make up the platform.



– Winerim LLC will maintain the data necessary for the formalization and development of the digital platform for the duration of the service, safeguarding it in accordance with the Data Protection Law and its regulations.

– Winerim LLC reserves the right to display the client’s logo on its website to commercial purposes.



– These Terms and Conditions, the rights and remedies provided herein, and any and all claims and disputes related to this and/or the services, will be governed, construed and enforced in all respects solely and exclusively in accordance with the laws internal to the USA.



– Winerim LLC reserves the right to modify these terms from time to time. When you do so, changes will be notified through the email address provided.

– Continued use of the digital platform after such change constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms and Conditions.



Potencia las ventas

Duplica el valor de tu ticket medio

Rotación de la bodega

Aumenta las ventas de tu selección de vinos

Gestión de inventario

Mejora la administración de tu stock

Flexibilidad en tu oferta

Mejora la administración de tu stock

Editor exclusivo

Maneja tu propio editor para realizar tus actualizaciones diarias

Selección personalizada

Ofrece sugerencias a cada cliente jkashdjkasdhk,mzx.,z<mxsd

Sugerencias instantáneas

Proporciona recomendaciones de forma inmediata

Filtros eficientes

Simplifica la búsqueda de tus clientes con filtros concisos

Instalación sencilla y actualizable

Implementación simple y actualizaciones con las últimas novedades

Compatibilidad con códigos QR

Disponible en cualquier formato a través de códigos QR

Soporte técnico jhjhjhhjjhhjghjgjhgj

Resuelve dudas y preguntas con nuestro equipo de soporte

Información en tiempo real

Accede a tus datos actualizados de forma inmediata

Analítica en tiempo real

Controla los datos y comportamiento de tu bodega y clientes

Gestión de compras

Controla y mantén en seguimiento tus pedidos hjgkjhkjhkjhkjhjkhk

Historial de ventas

Informes de tus ventas y de tu equipo jsahdksjadhkasd


Nos conectamos a tu TPV, ERP, etc… klsjdlkasjdlkasjdaskj